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Here’s a few of the basic things that help me maximize the hours in the day and allow me to go to bed feeling like I made significant progress.

  1.  Get Enough Sleep

We need to get past the idea that it’s some badge of honor to run on as little sleep as possible.

If you are sleep deprived, your productivity suffers, your creativity suffers, everything suffers.

It adds to stress, which leads to a hundred other health issues.

Some people require less than others.  Some require more.  Mine is 8-9.  Some people easily run off of 5-6.

So figure out what your sleep requirement is (when you tend to wake up naturally) and get it.

Your body and mind will thank you.

  1.  Lists Are Your Friend

If you don’t like lists, think they are nerdy or for forgetful people only…please revisit the idea.  You can make lists for everything.

Long-term goals, short-term goals, ideas, the sequence of events that need to happen before said goal can be reached, what you need to accomplish tomorrow or this week, what can wait until next month, etc.

It’s a gratifying feeling to check things off your list.  It’s solid, tangible proof that you are making progress and getting that much closer to your goal.

Proof that you are getting shit done.

  1.  (Smart) Multitask

Pair up the things that make sense together in order to maximize your time.

I’ll save things I need to listen to (podcasts, books, talks, workshops, etc.) for when I’m working on something else (painting, housework, etc.), and save things that I need to watch (tutorials, presentations, etc.) for when I am sitting down eating lunch.

I keep multiple paintings going at once, and work on them in stages.  This way I can always be moving forward with one of them, while the others are drying/setting/doing whatever they need to be doing.

For me, it keeps everything flowing throughout the day and I don’t feel like my time is being wasted by menial tasks (like dishes).

  1.  Prioritize & Schedule Your Hours

I’m talking about life in general here.  That’s why I mentioned sleep first.

If you want to maximize your potential, your health should be at the top of your priority list.

So put the best food possible in your body, move and strengthen your body, and sufficiently rest your body.

Now that you’re taken care of, you’re better able to make sure those around you are taken care of as well.

Day-to-day, my schedule reflects my priorities.

Here’s what my weekdays look like currently:

5:30 – start hitting snooze

6:00 – make breakfast and lunch for husband, stare blankly while petting dogs

6:30 – husband leaves for work, I make coffee and breakfast for me and dogs (they get no coffee)

7:00 – meditation and stretching, rank importance of the day’s tasks

7:30-10 – office (website development, emails, writing posts, outreach, etc.)

10-1 – studio (painting, shooting, etc.)


1-2:30 – studio


4-5:30 – office

dinner prep/eat

7 – 9:30 – admin stuff (emails, editing, uploading, etc.)

Obviously everyone’s day looks different.

But it all comes back to the time management.

You’re in control of your time, so make the most of it.

If you have a dream, you’re the only person that can get you there.

Take care of yourself, organize your thoughts and goals, multitask well and prioritize in all areas of your life.

Whatever you are hoping to achieve, it is in your power to make it happen.

Emily is an Artist, entrepreneur, and ambitious introvert who had to rethink her career plans when she married a military man.  She wrote Permission Granted to lift other purpose-driven women up on the journey to creating their ideal lives. 

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